Live Younger Longer
Active Mindsteps
Proudly supported by the Austrian Group SelbA
A local community activity
with the aim to assist people over the age of 55 to live younger longer
We offer a range of interesting activities that increase your cognition, motor skills, concentration and focus, in a friendly and supportive environment
Interested in becoming a Group Leader?
We will host an experienced Trainer from the Austrian SelbA Group in October and November to assist with our ‘Train the Trainer’ program. If you are interested in becoming a Community Leader who makes a difference in the lifes of our seniors, please contact us for more information. This is a rewarding opportunity for those who want to be more active in our communities.
Contact Details:
Christa Wood 0416 202 678
Sandra Ruecroft 0451 302 752
Mark Wilmott 0414 414 752
email -
About Us
Active Mindsteps was established in 2024 in recognition of the growing need for people to maintain their health and independence as they age.
The group has been inspired and assisted by the Austrian organisation, SelbA, which has successfully run activities for over 55s for more than 30 years. In that time over 40,000 people have participated, with university research demonstrating the benefits.
Although not formally affiliated with SelbA, Active Mindsteps has been given access to SelbA’s extensive collection of cognitive and motor skills activities to use in its own programs.
Our Program
Each program involves groups of between 8 and 15 participants, who meet weekly for a 90-minute session - usually over a 10 week period.
Participants will pay a nominal amount to cover materials and other essentials. Each group will be led by a trained Group Leader who will facilitate a number of engaging activities with a focus on developing cognitive and motor skills in a friendly and supportive environment.